11 Ways To Make Your Longterm Marriage Happier Starting 9 smart ways to keep your marriage healthy at any age first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes decades of time together strewn with a minefield of potential relationship wreckers. it. Continued tips for keeping your marriage strong. charles and elizabeth schmitz traveled the world to study thousands of successful couples. their book, building a love that lasts: the seven. How To Keep Your Sex Life Healthy In Marriage Love gets you on the road to a healthy marriage. it can get and keep you in the game and help to keep you on the road. love is not enough, however, to play the game well. Such sexy gestures don’t just help keep the romance alive, they also keep marriage healthy how to show your kids that marriage isn’t all bills, bickering and responsibility, points out orlando. based january keep marriage healthy how to 29, 2019 health 5 reasons eating healthy can keep you october 25, 2018 health how to save your chil...