Canine idiopathic vestibular disease, which is also sometimes called “old dog disease” or “old rolling dog syndrome,” can be very scary for pet parents. to the untrained eye, the symptoms may mimic serious, life threatening conditions such as stroke or a brain tumor. Canine vertigo is more commonly known by the medical term of vestibular disease. the vestibular system is the system that is responsible for an animal’s sense of balance and when this system is disrupted it can cause a severe loss of coordination and a characteristic head tilt. See more videos for vertigo in dogs. There are a number of vertigo dogs i. circumstances that can cause an animal to experience vertigo and the triggers of peripheral vestibular disease differ from the conditions that initiate the development of central vestibular disease. peripheral vestibular disease can be caused by: central vestibular disease can be caused by:. Vertigo Facty Super Dog Canine Vertigo Is Treatable But Scary To Witness The...